Half Truths


Half Truths
in Lyric Verse
by Godwin Bradbeer

Godwin Bradbeer is a Melbourne-based artist whose signature work – especially within various genres of drawing – is a stark form of melancholic figuration. His verse writing was originally an effort to write a decent pop song, but an impulse for redemption led to a genre that has been described as ‘heroic self-loathing’. Bradbeer insists nevertheless that his lyrics in verse are an essential vehicle for negotiating his way in contemporary culture and in reflecting on private life. The precise articulation of enigmatic image and idea is the core element of all Bradbeer’s work both visual and literary.

Additional Information:
ISBN: 978-0-9872724-8-5
Published: 2014
Author: Godwin Bradbeer
Artist portrait by Sabine Naider Batko
Designer: L. Casteñeda, Telling Design

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